Children in Worship

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not stop them, for it is such as these that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs.” -Matthew 19:14

St. Luke’s is joyously a multi-generational congregation committed to nurturing children and youth in the Christian faith through participation in the worship service, Sunday School, confirmation classes, social activities and fellowship.  All children and youth are invited to participate in the beginning of the worship service each Sunday during the Children’s Message when our Children’s Director shares a story or object lesson, and after which they are welcome to participate in Sunday School.

On Communion Sunday, children return to the service to join in Communion with the greater church community and to participate in end of the worship service with music and joy.

Sunday School

Sunday School lessons include games, crafts, and stories that all revolve around the theme of the week’s bible passage, as introduced during the Children’s Message. Children are given space to discover and play in a safe and welcoming environment where we practice tolerance of others and living with loving kindness.

Parents and guests are welcome and encouraged to visit to learn what the youngest members of the community are doing and learning.